Thursday, February 11, 2016

Day #7 Much excitement...

Like most of our days it started off with breakfast at our hotel at 7:30am. Our goal is to be on the road to the site by 8:15. A bug got stuck in my hair and was buzzing like crazy. I had a minor freak out incident. No worries, it was just a fly that couldn't get out.
James filling his form full
Bond beam forms were built using all the wood we had, cement was mixed and beams were filled. Then lunch break to allow the beams to dry so forms could be taken off. PB&J sandwiches, chips and water. While we relaxed in the church together and enjoyed our tasty sandwiches...a rat ran across my foot. I 'freaked' out again....only to have Lindsay say, "Um, that thing was BIG!" Oh la la, the locals came running from hearing my screams. It created a ruckus. Benji scared the rat out by jumping on the pile of wood. Outside it went. Locals chasing it, swatting it but missing. After coming back in the church and then out again they got it by stomping on it.

While the guys were mixing cement for the bond beams I was keeping the 55 gal water drum full by hauling water from the cistern in my 5 gal pails. On one of my trips back, I swore someone chucked something at me and it hit me right in the shoulder! I turned around to look for the culprit only to discover what hit me was still stuck to me and now CRAWLING!!!  A flippin 6"gecko jumped out of the tree overhead onto my skin bearing shoulder and STUCK there. My bucket went flying and much more screaming ensued.
During our lunch hour Brent taking selfies with Johan and Kakien.

After lunch the girls got out the nail polishes again, jump rope, ball and Frisbees. Handful of guys went back to Sitio Nuevo to install hurricane straps on the church built 2 yrs ago. Took off some bond beam forms and used them again to form up new ones on more walls. Poured those. Layed more block columns for the ridge board of the rafters.

 After last trip I said if I seen the ladies washing clothes I was going to help them(or try) So I did today. Oh my, they spend approx 5-10 min on EACH article of clothing!! I scrubbed and scrubbed and they kept correcting me. Their hands are super strong. Mine...not so much.
 We think this is Pastor Jean's house from Sitio Nuevo. It's actually past Magotes. We understand he has two. One right by the church and then this one as well.

1 comment:

  1. Boy that looks little more complicated than building a church, nice work team. Melissa u seem to be attracting all the wildlife, I may have to take u hunting sometime:)
