Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Wednesday - January 31 - Packing up

The day started out by a small group going up to the site and taking the last of the concrete forms off on the roof gable.  We then had our last breakfast with Gloria at the hotel restaurant and finished packing everything up for the trip home.  After packing the tools, luggage and finally the people into the 2 vans, we traveled back to Santo Domingo, to the ministry center where we will spend the night. 

Since we had the afternoon free, we went to downtown Santo Domingo, to the Colonial District and did a little sightseeing of the area where Christopher Columbus first landed and set up a fort.  In addition, we spent some time checking out the cathedrals and other sights as well as the market district.  The only downfall was that there is a lot of traffic near this area and we spent a lot of time on the road and waiting.

Steve and Sandra Brauning, the missionaries here, invited us for supper at their home and so we spent the evening with them and had a good American meal of chili out on their rooftop patio.  We spent some time discussing many of the projects and churches and what some of these church congregations face for challenges.

It was a good day and we did a lot of reflecting.  We are looking forward to packing up and heading home tomorrow.  Please pray for safety as we travel home and return to our families.

Tuesday, January 30, 2018

Tuesday - January 30th

We had a sunny hot day without any rain delays today!  The gable ends needed to be completed on the west side of the church, as the east side of the church continued to dry.  Putting the forms on the roof requires a little creativity and flexibility. Our men mixed all the concrete and yet another bucket brigade of cement was sent up to the roof of the church. 

 After putting those finishing touches on the building, we had the opportunity to dedicate the church with Pastor Michel and some members.  Some time was spent sharing our thoughts about the past week along side one another as well as singing some favorite hymns in Creole and English.  

Tomorrow a few of us will return early in the morning to remove the last few forms before we head back to the ministry center at the capital.  We are all ready to see our families but have taken many pictures and videos to remember our brothers and sisters in Christ from Sabana Larga.  

Monday, January 29, 2018

Monday - January 29

Dona Gloria's breakfast of oatmeal, eggs, bread, and coffee prepared us well for the big day today. 

We started the work day visiting the lumber yard to pick out tin for the roof and the guys who have been here before were impressed with the quality and safety of the tin available.  Those of us who have not been here before were impressed simply by their response.  By the end of the morning the roof was on and the front gable had been filled in with block by the locals.  We broke for lunch and were very glad the roof was on for the rest of the afternoon. 

Rain caused a few work delays but also created some time to play with the kids in the dry interior.  At one point a football, soccer ball, and small ball were flying around the church in close pursuit of kids of all ages. 

The rain didn't slow down the baseball and soccer games, jump ropes, bubbles, and coloring.  We were thankful for a chance to play and get to know the kids a bit more. 

Once the rain cleared a little,  frames were prepared and were placed in a little more rain as well as the leveling of the interior floor in preparation for pouring the concrete. 

This evening we had the opportunity to listen to Pastor Michele's story and hear more about the ministry in Sabana Larga and beyond.  It's exciting to hear how God is working in the Dominican Republic through the work of the people here!

Sunday, January 28, 2018

Sunday - January 28th

It was a typical Sunday morning breakfast, scrambled eggs, seventy degrees and sunny. 

We then had an opportunity to worship with the congregation we are serving.  Another typical worship service of robust singing, movement and percussion.  It was also a typical two hour worship service.  What wasn't typical for this congregation was the six foot tall white men that joined the service. We were welcomed warmly and enjoyed the vastly different style of worship.

After a typical round of rice, beans, avocados, and stewed chicken for dinner, we headed off to Playas Salinas beach.  We enjoyed some time of combing the beach for shells, relaxing and taking in the sunshine and
showers.  We were also able to check out a salt harvesting operation, Minas de Sal.

We enjoyed another round of beans, rice, avocados, and stewed chicken topped off with coffee for our evening meal. After words, Duane filled us in on the Christian Reformed church's involvement in the Dominican Republic.  Ice cream may have been a part of our evening, but we can neither confirm nor deny that fact.

Saturday, January 27, 2018

Saturday - January 27th

Rain rain go away.  The day started out with rain and continued on and off throughout the rest of the day.  The rain didn't stop us from working hard and getting a lot accomplished.  We started out the morning with a good breakfast from Gloria.  Next it was off to the work site.  We were able to finish the bond beams with more bucket brigades. After lunch it was back to work. Not wasting anything we cleaned many boards and then they cut and made the rafters. We were able to get the rafter set before leaving tonight.  That is quite the undertaking and we have a few monkeys on the crew. 

Even though there has not been that many kids around we were able to meet and play with a few kids today.  Even with the rain the kids enjoyed coloring, a tea party and some fingernail painting.  Some of the kids even got to assist with the construction work.  It is really neat to connect with them despite the language barrier.

This continues to be a great trip working hard and connecting with the people here.  We appreciate all the prayers and feel them as we work with the local church.

Friday, January 26, 2018

Friday - January 26th

The sounds of Latin music and revving motorcycles fill the night air as this blog is being posted.  The rook game is on as another day is coming to an end.

Our day took on various flavors.   It started with a breakfast of a variety of fruits along with Gloria's Dominican oatmeal.  The van was loaded and we were off to the job-site.

We spent the morning tearing apart the forms on the bond beams on the north side of the church, to reassemble them on the south side of the building.  The cement  was mixed and another bucket brigade was formed to pour those bond beams.  Preps were also being done for upcoming work.  The sun was out, the drizzle was coming down.  The team working along side the Haitian church members worked hard for a long morning.  We will complete the bond beams tomorrow and turn to rafters and the roof.  We find that we are learning a little more Spanish and a little more about the people we are working alongside.  They are also wanting to learn English and learn a little more about us as we work together

After our noon lunch, our afternoon was spent at a local hotel with a pool.  It was nice to have a little time to refresh and regroup after a couple of hard days on our mission. Our time was spent enjoying the pool's slide and the stunts that could be done on it.  Again the sun was out, then not.  Again it decided to drizzle and the cycle continued for the afternoon.

Our devotions brought us to the book of James.

Thursday, January 25, 2018

Thursday - January 25th

Another beautiful blessed day in the D.R.
We started the day having breakfast together before heading to the work site.  
We had a very productive day as we finished up the block work and built rebar cages and finished up with pouring the 1st bond beam.  We are getting to know the church members better and learn about them as we continue to work along side of them.

The girls even got in on some singing when some of the locals asked them to sing the alphabet.  and because many of them have cellphones now it might just end up on social media?!
A few of us had the privilege  to go along with the pastor's wife to pray for a sick member in their congregation. We truly are one body united by Christ.

We were also able to play with some of the children and they had a great time blowing and catching bubbles.

As we finished up for the day and headed out, we were greeted with a rainbow in the mountains as it had been sprinkling on and off throughout the day.  It was a wonderful reminder about what this is all about.


Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Wednesday the 24th

Star Date 1/24/18

The day started out at the Ministry Center in Santo Domingo.  The hospitality was great and the food was too.  After breakfast we made the trip to the job site in Sabana Largo just north of San Joe de Ocoa.  The local church members had footings poured and a chunk of the block wall set.  After gathering building supplies we spent the afternoon continuing on the block and pouring columns.  A number of the local church members were working along side us today which was great.  The language communication is a little tough but the goal is the same for all and that does make it rewarding.

The church site is located in a mountainous region of the DR. The scenery is incredible and Carla locked herself in her hotel room which does not allow for views of the amazing vistas.

DR Team out for now.  Buenos noches

Tuesday, January 23, 2018

We are here!!

We arrived in Santo Domingo on time today and after getting through customs, we made our way through the city traffic to the Missionary Center where we will spend this evening.
We had good travel and all our connections stayed on time.  Our only delays were at customs, which were just running slow.
Thanks for all the prayers warriors that were praying for good roads and travel.  We definitely felt that during the trip.
Tomorrow we will head out to the worksite which is a couple of hours from the ministry center and we will spend the majority of the trip at that location.
We had a good meal and meeting tonight. 
We are having problems uploading pictures right now, so we hope to have this working a little later

On our way

We are at the Omaha airport and getting ready to board!  Thanks for all the prayers for safety in travel on the winter roads.

Additional update....We made our connection  and have boarded our flight to Santo Domingo.  Everything has been smooth thus far.  Praise the Lord!

Friday, January 19, 2018

Getting ready to leave

Another year brings another group headed to the Dominican Republic to work with the Service and Learning Teams (SALT).

The trip is scheduled for January 23 - February 1.  We covet your prayers during this time...for safety during the travel, for good relations with the local congregation and for witnessing to those we come in contact with.  

The team going down this year includes the following:

Steve Boer
Glen Mouw
Jon Dekkers
Dennis Dokter
Jesse Punt
Bret & Kristi Van Wyk
Brent Kooiman
Lorilyn Van Dyke
Karla Byl
Marlin & Julie Ten Napel
Duane Postma

The location this year is Sabana Larga, which is about 2 hours from the Capitol of Santo Domingo.

We will be planning on updating the blog as much as we are able and depending on the quality of the Wifi that we hope to have.