Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Day 5 Laying block and playing

First corner column of the day. Exciting progress! 2 Canadians and 1 American=good team work! Locals had not yet arrived;)
By the end of the day, most of the exterior walls were up and the interior walls were about halfway.  We had 5 of the columns poured.
Abby demonstrating some jumping tricks and how to run in while turning the rope.
Nail painting! Thanks for all the polishes donated! The girls loved it. One 3 yr child walked around with her little chubby fingers spread not wanting to touch ANYTHING...and just kept gazing at them.
Baby Steven. Stinkin cute!
Even though we tease BJ tremendously, we actually caught him working. So, now he has proof that he didn't just hang out in the shade.
We had enough coloring books for each person to hold there own which was a God send since we had no flat surfaces like we did last time in the school. the LOVED it. We had all ages join us, older mamas all the way to babes. Some we had to teach how to hold a crayon and what to do with it.
This young man has downs. I don't think he ever held a crayon before and i would guess he is in his 20's or 30's. I helped him figure out how to hold it in his hand and then color and area and not just one line over and over. He was completely intrigued.;)  This boy could work! He hauled block from the road to site like nobodies business....all the while making car/dirt bike noises as he 'drove'.
Supper. I think it could be fair to say we were stretched out of our boxes in the eating dept, Oh my. When we walked into the kitchen I was pretty sure I saw a fish fin/tail sticking out of the pan and my stomach did a flip flop. Most of us were brave. I took a chunk as I simply couldn't handle one eyeball staring at me while I chewed. Needless to say, the meat was excellent...none of us got bones stuck in our throats!
It looked like 2 different kinds of fish and they each had different jaw bones...check out the teeth on the thing!!!   

Have a sunny day!! Thank you for your prayers!!!


  1. Prayers are being answered. It looks like the team is having an awesome time. And... Praise the Lord! We ARE having a beautiful, sunny (and cold) day here in Iowa today. Continuing to follow your journey and covering the group with prayer.

  2. What no clams or octopus this year? Regardless that is a nice looking fish for supper. Hate to meet it while it was alive. I'd rather drink a Coke. Continued prayers for your health (stomachs)as you work and play. God's continued blessing...hope Jesse isn't cheating to much in Rook this year. :)

  3. Oh I can't imagine that supper but I know millions around the world would feel so blessed to have something to eat. Praying for your safety and good health.

  4. Nice work salt team looks like u r making good connections with the locals, I love seeing those pictures. Lol to the fish, I actually like their fish but that one looks pretty scary.

  5. So I would like to know what Benji ate? I didn't think he ate anything other than meat and potatoes.
    Looks like you are making some good progress. Praying for you all.
