The 2016 Dominican Republic SALT Team is getting ready to head out. The plan is to leave on Feb 4th and return on Feb 13th. We will be working in the area of Pedernales in the Dominican Republic. This area is on the border with Haiti and is a very poor area where most of the people are sharecroppers. We will be assisting the local congregation in building a home for their pastor.
If this area sounds familiar, there is a reason for that. The team in 2014 worked in this same area building a church only a couple of miles away.
The team for this year from Faith includes the following:
Steve Boer
Abby Boer
Troy Broers
Brent Kooiman
Lindsey Mulder
Benji Obbink
Jesse Punt
Melissa Punt
BJ Ryks
Bret Van Wyk
We appreciate your support and prayers throughout this service project. We plan on updating this blog as we are able and have internet access while in the Dominican Republic.